Industrial Services

  • Incubation
  • Industrial Park
  • Green Finance
  • Green Information Base
Industrial Park
Green Finance
Green Information Base
{{ infoData.contentTitle }}
  • Enterprise Database
  • Technology Database
  • Product Database
  • Talent Pool
  • Policy Database
  • Project Database
Enterprise library: including information on major green industry enterprises in Shenzhen, which can be divided into enterprises in the fields of green services, energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, clean energy, ecological environment, and green infrastructure upgrades. The basic information of the enterprise database includes enterprise name, enterprise type, main business, etc.
Technology library: including two sub-libraries of Shenzhen ecological environmental protection technology, energy saving and resource recycling technology. Among them, the ecological environmental protection technology library includes high-quality environmental protection technologies for various ecological environmental elements such as atmosphere, water, soil, sound, solid waste, ecology, etc.; the energy saving and resource recycling technology library includes major technologies in the fields of energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, and clean energy. The basic information of the technology library includes technology name, technology summary, application scope, etc.
Product library: including Shenzhen's latest green products, green equipment, green materials and other fields. The basic information of the product library includes product name, product introduction, application scope, etc.
Talent pool: including well-known experts in the fields of Shenzhen green services, energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, clean energy, ecological environment, and green infrastructure upgrades. The basic information of the talent pool includes the name of the expert, work unit, title, expertise, etc.
Policy standard library: including the current main laws, regulations, rules, policies, standards, etc. in the green industry field of the country, province, and city.
Project library: including typical project cases of Shenzhen's green industry. The basic information of the project library includes project name, project overview, etc.
Technology Type

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Scope of Policy and Standards
Type of Policy and Standards

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Coming soon

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